![]() 0.2.0 of KdenLive! and piave. first beta release. clips can be added, cutted, aranged, deleted. the video monitor shows the correct frame. playing with sound works. no transitions/effects. Raw DV files only. 0.2.0 - Releases NotesKdenlive/PIAVE V0.2.0 (beta) releasedWe have the pleasure to announce the first beta release of Kdenlive and PIAVE. Kdenlive is a generic video editor GUI. It provides a monitor window with controls, an overview of clips used in the current project, and most important, a timeline where you can arange clips to build a project. Clips can be trimmed, cut, and moved in the timeline. KdenLive can communicate via a XML based protokoll to a render engine which handles the actual video data. PIAVE is a render engine and effect library. It can read DV video files, render effects and transitions between input streams. Streams can be displayed or piped to a file. Any project can link agains libpiave and use the provided features. PIAVE also provides a server application which can receive commands from KdenLive.
Project status / features:Many important features are still missing. But as the project matures and gets to a state where you can actually do something usefull, we want to get people testing what is already there and suggest features, we want to find out what is most important to people, and last not least we want to attract developers. There are many small and not so small things where people could help. Be it GUI development, XML/network development, or development of input, output, or effect plugins. What you can already do:
What you cannot yet do:
Additional Information / screenshots:KdenLiveHome : http://www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/kdenlive.html PIAVEHome : http://modesto.sourceforge.net/piave/index.html Any suggestions, help, bug reports, flames, etc. are welcome. Feel free to use the sourceforge trackers for bugs and feature request. The main mailing list is here: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=46786 We read kde-multimedia as well. |